
Pure Personal Training

100% tailormade

Personal Training 1:1

Most people lack a feeling for their own body and are incapable of taking care of their personal health themselves. Therefore, there is lots of room for improvement regarding their level of fitness.

Bonnie Dornhecker´s custom workout programmes help her customers making rapid progress and experiencing a remarkable improvement in their quality of life.

As personal trainer, she is a professional all around Healthy Urban Living. Join her in the Meridian Spa, an exclusive gym in the Westend, at Crossfit069, at home or outdoors. Your opportunities are just around the corner.

Bonnie´s workout units are highly efficient and therefore can be included even in busy schedules. Bonnie´s customers are CEO´s, managers, entrepreneurs, mothers and families, all whose time is valuable. She focusses on her customers individual needs and provides each of them with the workout they need.

Individual, custom Personal Training


  • Building Muscle and body shaping
  • Weight Loss/Body Toning
  • Diet Advice
  • Improving Health
  • Pregnancy/Families/Children

How to book your training and service/price list – click button
